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PVS Officials Recognition

PVS Officials Gold Nametag Club

Boots Hall PVS Official of the Year Award

Named in honor of Boots Hall, long-time PVS Official, mentor to, and advocate for PVS officials, this award was created to recognize the efforts of a PVS official who has shown exceptional dedication and support to PVS.

2023 - Carolyn Kotarski
2022 - Eric Ramey
2021 - Jan van Nimwegen
2020 - Lynne Gerlach
2019 - Tom Allison

Members of the PVS Officials Committee, PVS Board, and previous recipients are not eligible for the award.

Officials Excellence Award (formerly Maxwell Award)

Given by USA Swimming to honor outstanding LSC officials for their contributions to local swimming.

2013 - Jack Neill
2009 - Tim Husson
2008 - Boots Hall
2004 - Ron Whalen

2023-2024 PVS Officials Recognition

Officiated 50+ Sessions at PVS-Sanctioned Meets
Data is not available for 2023-2024 season

Years of Service Milestones
2024 Milestones

Prior Seasons PVS Officials Recognition

2022-2023 Season
2021-2022 Season
2020-2021 Season
2019-2020 Season
2018-2019 Season
2017-2018 Season
2016-2017 Season