Board of Directors Meeting  - November 14, 2007

Official Minutes


7:00 PM – WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2007
McLean Community Center
McLean, VA

Attendance:  Board Members:  Greg York, Chair; Austin Auger, Art Davis, Mark Faherty, Karl Hellmann, Dan Jacobs, Boots Hall, Bill Marlin, Brian Pawlowicz, Virginia Ratcliff, Bill Stephens, Jim Thompson, Cassidy Wolfe.  Executive Director:  John Ertter.  Non-voting Board members:  Janet Auger, Jim Garner, John Hirschmann, Jim Van Erden.  Guests:  Manga Dalizu, Paris Jacobs. 

Call to Order:  The meeting was called to order at approximately 7:01 pm by Greg York, General Chair. 

Agenda:  John Ertter, Executive Director, provided the Board with a proposed Agenda that was adopted. 

Approval of Minutes:  At the request of Art Davis, the draft of the October 10, 2007 minutes was modified to include a parenthetical update regarding On-deck USA-S registrations at PVS sanctioned meets.  The minutes, as amended, were unanimously approved. 

Presentation on Web Site Redesign:  Due to unforeseen circumstances, Tim Husson was unable to attend the meeting; however, all Board members had previously received his October’s Webmaster’s Report, which was to be the basis of his presentation.  It was deferred until the December Board meeting. 

Presentation on Strategic Planning Initiatives:  Jim Thompson, Strategic Chair,   presented a comprehensive PowerPoint handout entitled, “Telling the PVS Story” in which he proposed various manners in which to tell the story of how PVS serves the needs of the community.  The presentation included the following items:

The proposal was well received.  There was discussion particularly about the desirability of tailoring the information that would be developed so that different material could be emphasized depending on the audience to which it was being presented. For example, in some portions of PVS territory, pools are being fully utilized whereas in others, ways to make greater use of existing facilities might be an important point to emphasize   York wanted to make sure that the project would not be delayed by a lack of funding. Thompson assured the Board that he currently had adequate resources to initiate the project.

Proposal to Authorize Observation of US Paralympics Open Swimming Championship:  At John Hirschmann’s request, the Board was asked to consider a request that the 2007 Paralympics Open Championship be authorized by PVS so that selected swims could be observed for USA-S purposes.  The meet is being sponsored by the USOC/IPC and will be at the University of Maryland, December 6-8, 2008.  He explained that Board action was necessary since it was a meet for which there was not a prior precedent of PVS authorizing its observation.  Hirschmann informed the Board that based on recent discussions, he was confident that the procedures were well in place for the observation process and subsequent reporting of approximately 30 swims that it is expected will be observed.  He also recommended that no fee should be charged consistent with policy of not charging a sanction fee for Sectionals, US Nationals, and other similar meets held in PVS territory.  A motion to authorize observation with no sanction fee assessed passed unanimously.

Proposal to Change Method of Accounting:  Prior to the meeting, all Board members had received John Ertter’s proposal to change PVS’s accounting method for purposes of presenting monthly financial statements from a Modified Cash Basis to a full Accrual Basis of Accounting.  Included in his handout was a comparison of the October 2007 financial statements using the historical cash basis method versus a full accrual basis method.  PVS is already using accrual accounting for its full fiscal year reporting.

Noting that PVS’s auditor had recommended the change, Ertter emphasized that the current cash basis of accounting can in certain months materially distort the true picture of PVS’s finances on a month-to-month basis and thus, depending on the month, materially distorts the bottom line surplus or deficit.  Two disadvantages of changing to an accrual basis of accounting were noted:  (1) comparisons of monthly financial reports from the previous years would be more difficult until the new method of accounting has been place for at least one year and (2) additional work will be required to keep records on an accrual basis due to the requirement to pay more attention to receivables and payables.  In response to a question, Ertter stated that going to accrual accounting would not delay issuance of the monthly statements to the Board.

A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to immediately adopt a full Accrual Basis of Accounting for both monthly and annual financial reporting purposes.  It was acknowledged that since the 2007-08 budget was developed on a cash basis, comparisons of actuals with reported would have to take that into account.  It was agreed the 2008-09 budget would be developed on an accrual basis.  This means the certain expenses that have recognized in a subsequent fiscal year (e.g. travel to summer national level meets) would now be recognized in the current year.  In other cases, recognition of prepaid expenses would be deferred to the next fiscal year.

Pool rentals for 2008-2009 Short Course Season:  Ertter presented to the Board a handout with a chart indicating the 2008-09 PVS sponsored meets, identifying the locations of each in 2007-08 and a column to be completed with the preferred 2008-09 location.  He explained that he was requesting input from the Board and/or Competition for the selection of locations for future meets.

In lieu of discussion at tonight’s meeting, Ertter explained that he would send the chart out by e-mail the next day with a request for feedback prior to Thanksgiving.

Athletes Report:  In response to a request by York at the September Board meeting, Cassidy Wolfe and Virginia Ratcliff reported to the Board that the Athlete Representatives had polled their constituents regarding their use of and suggestions for the PVS website.  Their findings indicated that the website was primarily used for checking schedules and researching swimmers’ times.  While they did not recommend that additional content be added, they did suggest that it might be useful to add an “Athletes” link from the home page to a separate “Athletes” page that listed links to other swimming related sites of primary interest to the athletes.

Referencing Ertter’s request for input on future PVS pool rentals, York asked the Athletes to poll their constituents as to their preferred competition sites.  

Awarding of Host for PVS B/BB Championships:  The Board agreed to award the hosting of the 2008 PVS B/BB Championships to FBST.  The inclusion of this new meet in the PVS schedule had previously been discussed at the October 3, 2007 Competition Committee meeting and approved by the Board at its October 10, 2007 meeting.  It further agreed that, as this is a Championship meet, times achieved at this meet will not be accepted as late entries for the 2008 PVS 14&U Junior Olympics.  Additionally, the Board established the individual event fee at $5.00 – the same fee structure as at JO’s and other PVS Championship meets.

Other Business: 

Criteria for Reimbursement of Business Travel Expenses:  Ertter informed the Board that he planned to develop and present to the Board criteria for reimbursement for business travel expenses for individuals traveling at PVS expense.

Requirement for Business Activity License (BAL) for Sales of any Kind at PVS Meets in Fairfax County:  Ertter explained to the Board that Fairfax County requires that a Business Activity License (BAL) is required at all Fairfax County Park Authority facilities in order to see any merchandise, including meet programs.  The fee for the license is the greater of 15% of the gross revenue or $50.  He stated that he intended to apply for the license for all future PVS sponsored meets at FCPA facilities.

Various opinions were expressed regarding exploring alternatives to avoid the necessity of acquiring the license solely to sell meet programs.  One Board member suggested that a $1.50 surcharge be assessed on each athlete to cover the cost of the meet programs and hand them out for free.  It was noted that this might place a financial hardship on clubs that included meet fees in their club membership fees, but might be less so in future years if they knew to do so when setting their fees.  It was also noted that some meets (e.g., Open meets) are held in both FCPA and non-FCPA pools, that a consistent policy should probably be adopted for venues being used for a particular meet.  Another member noted his club had been unsuccessful in collecting previously announced surcharges, and offered the suggestion that meet programs be made available for downloading from the PVS website.  No final resolution of the matter was reached and it was agreed that Ertter should apply for the BAL for the remaining PVS sponsored meet during the SC season, 2008 PVS B/BB Championships, to be held at Lee District. 

Finance / Accounting Report:  Financial results for the period ending October 31, 2007 had been provided to the Board prior to the meeting.  These were still done on a cash basis, pending the Board’s decision to go to an accrual accounting basis.  PVS’s current assets on hand were $921,322.  This includes $234,264 in funds payable to USA-S for their share of dues PVS collected in October and will need to remit to them in November.

Per Bill Stephens’ Audit Committee Proposal deferred from last month’s meeting, a motion was made that an Audit Committee be formed and that Manga Dalizu, Karl Hellmann and Bob Vincent be appointed to serve. It was noted that this is a requirement found in Section 7.4.s C of PVS by-laws and is required even if an independent auditor is auditing PVS’s books on an annual basis.   Following a second, the motion was unanimously passed.  

Operations Report:  Bill Marlin asked that John Ertter follow-up with Ron Whalen on the status of ordering two four-line score boards for use at Junior Olympics and Zones.  It was noted that JO’s and the LC Age Group Championships will be at Fairland this year and Fairland has no built in scoreboard. 

Administration Report:  Art Davis informed the Board that Specific  information on fines assessed on clubs not meeting the minimum number of officials requirements has been provided to the Controller as required by the Board last meeting.  Several numbers were adjusted to remove “learn-to-swim” athletes resulting in a summary of the fines as follows:  (The calculation has been redone to exclude from the athlete count those athletes for whom PVS had no official time for them in its data base during the competition year.)

Club A            $600
Club B            $200
Club C            $600
Club D            $600
Club E            $1400
Club F             $600
Club G            $400

Additionally, it was noted that two clubs have 10 or more officials over their required minimums (number-over leaders) and a third club has double the required number (percentage-over leader).

In an effort to assist its coaches in maintaining current certifications, Bill Marlin presented a motion that PVS run one certification class on each side of the river in September or October of 2008.  The motion was amended to include the provision that the PVS Webmaster establish an on-line registration process as is currently available for Officials clinics.  Following a second, the motion, as amended, unanimously passed.

Concluding Administrative matters, Davis asked the Board its opinion regarding the inclusion of disqualification explanations being printed on posted meet results.  Following a limited discussion, the Board’s consensus was that the information should be included on meet results – both those posted at meets as well as on the website.

Officials Report:  Prior to the meeting, all Board members received written reports from Boots Hall, Officials Representative, (link)  and Jim Van Erden, Officials Committee Chair (link).  Both reports indicated that Officials Clinics have been well attended.  It was announced that the Tom Dolan Invitational Meet has been approved for N2/N3 Officials observation and that the March 2008 Southern Sectional meet (to be held at UMD) has been submitted for approval.

Report on Diversity Summit:  Manga Dalizu provided the Board with a written report on his attendance as a PVS representative at the USA-S Diversity Summit, October 26-28, 2007 in Colorado Springs.  He informed the Board that he believed the greatest hindrance in our area was the lack of exposure to swimming in certain communities and its competition with other sports.  Summarizing his thoughts, he indicated that the process to increasing diversity in swimming involved three steps:

  1. Exposure to the sport

  2. Opportunity, which begins with swim lessons

  3. Encouraging kids to reach higher by joining a swim team to continue the learning they first obtain in “Learn to Swim” programs.

New Business:  While no formal action was taken, several ideas were offered including:

Concluding the meeting, Paris Jacobs distributed her report on the 2007 PVS Swimposium.  She noted that the expected subsidy from PVS for the Swimposium will probably be close to what was initially budgeted. 

Next Board Meeting:  The Chair announced that its next Board meeting will be held on Wednesday, December 12th, 6:30PM at McLean Community Center.

Adjournment:  The meeting was adjourned at 9:43PM.

Respectfully submitted by,
Janet Auger
PVS Administrative Assistant