Board of Directors Meeting February 12, 2007

AS APPROVED at the PVS Board Meeting -- March 12, 2007

Meeting Notes




6:30 PM -- MONDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2007
McLean Community Center
McLean, VA


ATTENDANCE:  Board Members:   Jim Garner, Chair; Art Davis, Mark Faherty, Frani Hess, John Hirschmann, Dan Jacobs, Bill Marlin, Don Riedlinger, Bill Stephens,  Ron Whalen.  Non-voting Board members:  Janet Auger, John Ertter. Boots Hall, Jim Van Erden.  Guests:   Cy Cyganiewicz, Manga Dalizu, Paris Jacobs, Greg York.


CALL TO ORDER:  The meeting was called to order at approximately 6: 40pm by Jim Garner, General Chair.


EXECUTIVE SESSION:  The Board of Directors met in Executive Session from 6:40pm until 7:55pm during which time John Ertter gave a presentation entitled, “Potomac Valley Swimming – Racing into the Future.”  Following the presentation the Board resumed its meeting in an Open Session.  A committee comprised of Jim Van Erden, Bill Marlin and Bill Stephens was formed to review the strategic proposals presented and to report back to the Board at its March 12th meeting.  Additionally, a Board Retreat was scheduled for Sunday, April 15th, time and location to be announced at a later date. The final item was a unanimously approved motion that John Ertter attend the USA-S “Build a Pool Conference” to be held in Colorado Springs, April 11th – 14th, 2007.


AGENDA:  Jim provided the Board with a proposed agenda.


APPROVAL OF MINUTES:  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of the January 17, 2007 meeting.  After accepting the need for one correction, the motion passed with one abstention by Don Riedlinger.


2007 SWIMPOSIUM SPEAKER:  A motion was made and seconded to permit Paris Jacobs to spend up to $5,000 for an athlete speaker for the 2007 Swimposium.  A friendly amendment was made to increase the amount to $7,000.  The motion, as amended, passed.


FUNDING REQUEST FOR A DIVERSITY TEAM:  The Board recommended that a request for funding of a Diversity Team be prepared to be included in PVS’s FY08 budget, preparation for which will take place in March-April 2007.


PROPOSED PVS STATEMENT OF PRINICIPLES ON ETHICAL BEHAVIOR AND CONFLICT OF INTEREST POLICY:  The Board next turned to the proposed Statement of Principles on Ethical Behavior and Conflict of Interest that had been deferred at its January meeting at Riedlinger’s request until Art Davis could be present.  After reviewing Davis’s concerns with the proposed policy, a motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved requesting Davis to prepare a revised Conflict of Interest Policy to be presented at the March meeting.


USA-S RULES & REGULATIONS AMENDMENT REGARDING THE TEACHING OF RACING STARTS:   Boots Hall reported she had learned at a recent National Officials Committee meeting that USA-S was amending its Rules & Regulations regarding the teaching of racing starts to increase the minimum water depth from 5 feet to 6 feet.  [Subsequent to the meeting, PVS received official notification of this change and posted a notice to its website at: as well as sending it out via Flash Mail.]


AWARDING OF 2006-07 PVS SPONSORED MEETS:  After reviewing requests to host PVS sponsored meets for the 2006-07 Long Course season, the Board unanimously voted the following awards:


It was noted that all PVS sponsored meets for the summer 2007 period were now awarded.


PROCEDURAL HANDLING OF SANCTION FEE TREATY:  In light of the recent enactment of the “Sanction Fee Treaty” with VSI and Maryland Swimming, Hirschmann requested the Board clarify the handling of fees due PVS when a meet is held out-of-LSC.  For club sponsored meets, he recommended to the Board that PVS charge the standard fee of $0.45 per entry and credit the club up to $100 paid to the host LSC, providing the splash fees generated are at least $100.  In the event the meet is a PVS sponsored meet, the $100 paid to would be an allowable meet expense.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adopt this policy.


The second item needing clarification was the handling of sanctioning meets to be held out-of-LSC under the ‘Sanction Fee Treaty.”  Hirschmann recommended that these meets follow the same policy and procedure as meets run within PVS.  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to adopt this policy.


HOSTING 2008 EASTERN ZONE LONG COURSE MEET:   Marlin informed the Board that he was not prepared to present a budget for the 2008 Summer Zone meet as he had just received estimated pool rental cost information that day.  He indicated that he would coordinate with John Ertter and present a cost estimate for hosting the meet and a cost estimate for the team at the March meeting.


ZONE COORDINATOR REPLACEMENT:  As to the matter of a replacement Zone Team Coordinator, Paris Jacobs informed the Board that she was in discussion with a potential candidate.  Paris requested that, in the event this candidate accepts the position, she be allowed to accompany Paris to the 2007 Eastern Zone SC Championship.  The Board granted Paris’ request.  Pending acceptance by the potential candidate, Marlin was to prepare job description to be sent out by FLASH mail and perhaps post on the website.


ISSUANCE OF IRS FORM 1099’S:  John Ertter pointed out to the Board that PVS will be issuing IRS Form1099’s to those individuals (including Zone coaches) who receive $600 or more in payments in a calendar year.


OFFICIALS EDUCATION TRAVEL REIMBURSEMENT POLICY:  Jim Van Erden informed the Board that the Officials Committee had revised its Officials Education Travel Reimbursement Policy.  Highlights of the revisions were presented as follows:


·        Reimbursements would not be made for any meet held in PVS

·        The official must notify the PVS Officials Chair of the intent to request a reimbursement upon acceptance to officiate at the designated meet, and prior to the date of the meet.

·        An official may receive up to three (3) travel stipends in each competition year.

·        Completed PVS requests for travel assistance are due not later than thirty (30) days after the competition for which travel assistance is being requested.


Completed PVS requests for travel assistance are due not later than thirty (30) days after the competition for which travel assistance is being requested. A copy of the proposal had become available to some members of the Board prior to the meeting.  In response to a concern that reimbursement requests might exceed the budget, Van Erden stated that it was the Committee’s intent that when the yearly allocation (currently $5,000) is exhausted no additional allocations will be made in the year.  He was also requested to clarify whether participation in USA Swimming Open Water Championships and Disability Championships would also be eligible meets.  It was agreed the proposed policy should be amended to reflect these changes. Van Erden was asked to amend his proposal to reflect these requested changes. [Subsequent to the meeting, the revised “Officials Education Travel Reimbursement Policy” was provided to the Administrative Assistant.}


NEW CLUB APPLICATION TO JOIN PVS:  Davis informed the Board that an application to join PVS as a new member club had been received from Central Chesapeake Swimming (PEAK).  A motion was made, seconded and unanimously approved to approve PEAK’s application pending approval by USA-S.


DRAFT PROPOSALS TO AMEND THE PVS BY-LAWS:  At is January meeting, the Board had received Stephens’ draft proposals to amend the PVS By-Laws .  Stephens reiterated to the Board that R-41 from last year’s USA-S House requires that PVS increase its athlete representatives on the Board up to at least 20% of the voting members (which means PVS must increase its number from two to three) and it also requires that it increase ifs athlete members to at least twenty percent of the voting membership of the House of Delegates. Since the three athlete representatives to the Board will be insufficient, it was recommended that the remainder be appointed by the General Chairman with the concurrence of the Board.


The Board agreed the Officials Chairman should be made a voting member of the PVS Board of Directors.  There was also a consensus it should be an appointed position based on a recommendation from the General Chairman and the Operation Division Chairman, subject to the approval of the Board.  A motion was made, seconded and passed (6-1-2) to recommend amending the By-Laws to add the Officials Chair as a voting member of the Board, with no change in how that individual is selected or confirmed.


The final proposal discussed was to allow the General Chair, with the advice and consent of the Board of Directors, to appoint up to three at-large Board members who would serve for the remainder of the General Chair’s term in which they were selected.


The Board concurred in proposing the amendments necessary to effectuate these changes to the PVS House when it meets in May.  Those required by USA Swimming will not be subject to a vote.  It requested Stephens to develop the precise language changes that need to be made in the by-laws to effectuate these changes.


FORMAL PVS INVESTMENT POLICY:  Hirschmann and Ertter requested that discussion on the Formal PVS Investment Policy be tabled so that one matter in the proposal could be clarified. 


CLUB DEVELOPMENT LIAISON:  Paris Jacobs volunteered to fill the Club Development Liaison position since she indicated she was frequently already performing that function for the LSC.  Her offer was accepted.


Next Board Meeting:  The Chair announced that its next Board meeting will be held at McLean Community Center on Monday, March 12th at 6:30PM.


Adjournment:  the meeting adjourned at 10:20PM.


Respectfully submitted by,
Janet Auger
PVS Administrative Assistant