As Presented at the PVS Board of Directors Meeting - January 17, 2007


Potomac Valley Swimming, Inc.


Those who choose to serve Potomac Valley Swimming, whether as volunteers or paid professionals, are held to a high standard of conduct. Those who serve must do so without personal gain in order to avoid any institutional loss or embarrassment and to behave in such a way that the organization’s trust and public confidence are enhanced. It is important to avoid any real or perceived conflict of interest.

While no set of guidelines can completely define acceptable behavior, the principles that guide behavior in this area, is disclosure, non-participation in the decision making process where personal or family gain is a possibility, and a commitment to honor the confidentiality of organizational information. All conduct is founded on the individual’s own sense of integrity. Any individual accepting the honor of serving Potomac Valley Swimming must accept the burdens of public disclosure and public scrutiny.

In our complex society, the mix of volunteer work, business interests, governmental activity, and family relationships often creates potentially conflicting interests. What is required is disclosure of conflicting interests when they arise, and strict nonparticipation in any evaluation process relating to the matter in question.

The following seven items reflect specific expectations by PVS of people signing this agreement. These items cannot and do not however completely define what is acceptable. They are intended rather as guidelines and not a precise road map to what is acceptable conduct. Each individual must find his or her own way within this guidance.

  1.          The business of Potomac Valley Swimming is to be conducted in observance of both the spirit and letter of applicable federal and state laws.

  2.          Potomac Valley Swimming properties, services, opportunities, authority and influence are not to be used for private benefit.

  3.          All individuals who participate with Potomac Valley Swimming will disclose the nature and extent of an actual or potential conflict of interest when it occurs in the evaluation of an issue and will avoid evaluating or voting on the matter involved. This includes the award of contracts, the purchase of goods and services, the award of contracts for professional services, and the allocation of Potomac Valley Swimming resources for individual use.

  4.          Gifts, cash, travel, hotel accommodations, entertainment, or favors are neither to be given (except with full approval of the Board of Directors) nor received, except those of nominal value exchanged in the normal course of business. Gifts and favors of more than one hundred dollars ($100.00) value should not ordinarily be accepted. If circumstances render it awkward to refuse such a gift, the donor should be thanked and told the gift is being accepted on behalf of and will be delivered to Potomac Valley Swimming.

  5.          Expenses incurred in the furtherance of Potomac Valley Swimming business are to be reasonable, necessary and (if twenty-five dollars or more) substantiated.

  6.           All are expected to exhibit honesty, loyalty, candor and professional competence in their relationships with Potomac Valley Swimming and with each other.

  7.           Each individual has the responsibility to maintain the confidentiality of the organization. This includes both proprietary and sensitive information.


I acknowledge receipt and understanding of Potomac Valley Swimming’s Statement of Principles on Ethical Behavior and Conflict of Interest, and I pledge my full support of the spirit and the letter of the requirements contained therein.



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Date                                                     Potomac Valley Swimming Position