Approved at May 1999 House of Delegates Meeting

McLean, VA
MAY 17, 1998
2:00 P.M.


The annual meeting of the Potomac Valley Swimming House of Delegates was called to order by Dick Rankin, General Chairman. In attendance were:

AAC : Dave Macedonia* PM : Art Davis* PVS : Mary Ann Henderson*
ATC : Michael Johnson* VSC : Victor Abrahamian* Linda Klopfenstein*
FAST : Manga Dalizu* NVSL: Arvydas Barzdukas* Greg Long*
FBST : Jack Schaeffer* PMSL: John Hirschmann* Kit Mathews*
David Burns PVS : Dick Rankin* Carol Nickel*
FISH : Keith Poulsen* Linda Crudup* Dave Scibetta*
GOLD: Marc Stanley Thirl Crudup* Don Smith*
HACC: Kerstin Severin* Steve Ercolano* Amanda Sovik*
MMSC: Alfonso Allen Ward Foley* Ron Taylor*
OCCS: Dave Tonnesen* Bob Fout* Bob Liddell
Evelyn Taylor
*Voting Delegate

Dick introduced Bob Liddell of Booz-Allen & Hamilton, Inc., and extended PVS's thanks for assistance in hosting this meeting. Bob welcomed PVS and explained their policy on assistance of non-profit and community organizations. He also provided a general orientation of the building and its facilities.

MOTION PASSED to approve minutes of the May 18, 1997, House of Delegates.

Pending the Registration report, Dick reported that over 5900 athletes are registered with PVS, and membership continues to increase. We are 6th largest LSC in terms of membership and the smallest in terms of territory.


Bob Fout reported that as of 1 May 1998, the balance of all PVS accounts is $181,865.73. The Dave Davis Memorial Fund has a balance of $6570.94. Bob distributed the mid-year financial report, September 1, 1997 through April 30, 1998 (ATTACHED). He noted that a deficit is again expected at the end of this financial year, but plans are to reverse this trend with the new investment strategy.


This year, there are several major policy proposals for consideration by the House. These proposals should result in some significant direction changes for the LSC. These are related to key policy directions which have been the cornerstone over the past three years of improved communications and empowerment of individuals with the responsibility for the execution of programs. In addition, our goals have continued to be the retention of programs, with the intent to improve them or make them more cost effective; to make swimming opportunities available to our swimmers to allow them to perform to their potential; and to insure fiscal responsibility. The PVS Board continues to provide general policy guidance and implementation.

For a multitude of reasons, for the past several years we have been operating in the red, and it is time for that to change. The direction is to have a balanced budget and seek to maintain a surplus over the next few years to get our reserves back to where they were. The expectation is to accomplish this by more equitably spreading costs. The presentations made today will provide direction toward these goals. It is also intended to continue to increase club revenue and encourage more club participation in the competition program.

There were several events over this past year that deserve highlighting. We have experienced faster swimming and greater participation in national meets. The Short Course Zone Team changes resulted in an improved situation for our athletes and coaching staff, and plans to select the 1999 SC Zone Coaches this fall. New coordinator positions have been established and should increase our visibility in new areas. They are: Public Relations - Wayne White, Outreach - Solomon Robinson, and Adapted Swimming - Marc Stanley. The Safety Committee has been revitalized and strengthened with the additional talents of Chairman, John McDonald, and Lynne Black, and Betsy Stevenson joining Suzy Tomasovic. The success of the PVS webpage, through the efforts of Dave Scibetta and John Hirschmann, has exceeded our expectations. The LSC Workshop planned by Sue Gosline and Jan Wolff for this year was unfortunately cancelled due to lack of participation. Wayne White has been tasked to attempt to determine the reasons why this situation occurred. There was a great deal of planning and commitment put into organizing this activity, including the support from USS. It was a great disappointment to have to cancel all but the swimming track. There will be some financial cost associated with this, which does not help our financial picture. Based on the way we run our competition program, we have been very dependent on Fairfax County Park Authority and it's financial and facility policies. New opportunities are in the works at the University of Maryland, George Mason University Fairfax Campus, and Prince George's County's Jack Kent Cooke Stadium Complex. Dave Tonnesen also serves on the planning board for the GMU Prince William facility due to open in summer 1999, in VA LSC. Dialog continues with Virginia. Arvydas Barzdukas and Thirl Crudup have been involved with the Stadium Complex.

On a sad note, we suffered the loss of Dave Davis last year, whose death had a tremendous impact on PVS. Thirl Crudup stepped forward with others to carry on the duties of the Operations Division. Dave's family requested that an officials/education fund be established to provide programs for PVS and NVSL. Arvydas Barzdukas was appointed to chair a committee to plan for the use of this fund and to provide a report by the end of this fiscal year.


Mary Ann Henderson reported to date, PVS has registered 6028 athletes, 37 Clubs, and 606 non-athletes. The seasonal athlete registrations may bring our total athlete registration to a new high. The non-athlete registrations is the largest we have ever had; however, this number still represents just 10% of our athletes

Next year there will be a new registration form. Each individual member will be required to complete the new form rather than just re-register. A letter will go out with all the new packets with explanation, and it is hoped that this material will be distributed earlier than is usual. Forms are available today for Athlete, Non-athlete, Seasonal, and Transfer. Seasonal athletes may compete in PVS meets only, below the Zone level. If a seasonal athlete qualifies for Zone or higher level, the athlete must register as a year-round athlete; the $15.00 seasonal fee does not transfer.


Ward Foley reported that progress continues on plans to have more club-run meets and get PVS out of the business of running meets. The 1999 Short Course Zone Meet was awarded to New Jersey LSC, and will be held at Gloucester County Institute of Technology on April 1-3, 1999. The 1998 Long Course Zone Meet will be held in Maryland LSC at UMBC and Meadowbrook.

Steve Ercolano reported on a successful Short Course season. JO's was very successful; as were the culminating championship meets. Linda Klopfenstein has already written 400 OVCs for SC alone. For the upcoming Long Course season, meets will be the traditional one day only on Sunday. There will be 2 for 12 & Under and 2 for Senior, split at two sites due to increase in numbers. No agreement on fees could be reached with University of Maryland for the 1998 LC Senior and Age Group Championships. UM has been made aware that of other facility arrangements and that their fees are not in line. These two meets will be held at Oak Marr. The distance program continues to grow.


Steve Ercolano distributed the proposal for Financial Arrangements for Swim Meets (ATTACHED). The proposal was reviewed, noting that the PVS sponsored meets are October Open, November Open, January Open, Distance Meets, and Age Group, Junior, and Senior Championships. Clubs will run these meets for PVS, and PVS pays all expenses and a meet management fee to the clubs. All other meets are Club Sponsored, with clubs responsible for expenses and a sanction or "splash" fee to PVS. The proposed budget is based on these financial arrangements. Junior Olympics and Spring Champs will become club-sponsored meets. Any club may place a meet on the calendar except on dates of PVS sponsored meets. Policy and procedures will be developed over the summer to establish time lines from clubs for meet proposals and meet participation.


Linda Crudup reported on the 1998 SC Zone Meet. There were 78 athletes on the PVS Zone Team. PVS finished 4th with 736.5 points, missing 3rd by 16 points. The team and coaching staff are commended for their fine performance.


Thirl Crudup presented a report on the committees in this division (ATTACHED).

The Officials Committee, chaired by John Hirschmann, successfully completed the clinic schedule. Staffing of championship meets and new rule changes were well handled. The Club Officials Chairmen's workshop was well attended. Bob Brofft and Jim Garner will be attending an Officials' Workshop in May, and John attended an LSC Officials Chairmen's workshop in April.

The Operations Support, chaired by Don Smith, is working on the area of equipment management. Club fees and rental fees will be addressed. New equipment was purchased. The CTS and Hy-Tek clinics were well attended. Meet equipment set-up clinics are planned throughout the year. A meet entry clinic is also planned for the fall/winter.

Meet Management, chaired by Jack Mechler, ran a very successful Meet Directors Workshop. Revisions were made to the Meet Directors Guide. The new task of writing meet announcements continues to progress.

Meet entry support was addressed when Mrs. Lewis resigned in September. Becca Peck volunteered to fill in if clubs needed assistance. Full support was requested for only three meets.

Thanks were extended to Thirl for taking on the challenge of this Division.


Dick reported that the cornerstone of PVS communications is the web page. It is one of the best and most active web pages in the swimming community. The page averages 4500 hits per day.


Dave Scibetta thanked John Hirschmann and Chris Granger for their efforts on the technical side. The committee continues to try to determine direction and plans for continued success. Financially, the volunteer effort has kept costs down. Issues being addressed involve timing on posting of results and posting of psych sheets for selected meets. By September 1st, the process for posting PVS Records will be updated, and future plans are to make more forms available on the web page. The look of the page may change to further improvement. PV Voices is posted, and you can expect to see articles posted as they are submitted. Any feedback is appreciated.


Dick announced that the Internet will be the hub of our communications network. Information presently in the Aquatics Guide will be posted, as well as the Policy & Procedures Manual, forms, and parts of the Bylaws. The Administrative Office will continue to send Flash Mail to clubs. Hard copies of Policy & Procedures Manual and Bylaws have been distributed to clubs, and changes and updates will continue to be distributed as proposed. The Family Membership program will be changed. Over the next two years, the plan is to transition to the elimination of this paper information. Beginning with fall 1998, the basic Family Membership fee will be reduced to $10.00, and will include meet announcements, program announcements, and half price programs. The Aquatics Guide will be eliminated in paper form. For a $40.00 fee, the mailing will also include a paper copy of meet results. It is anticipated that the costs and revenues generated will be equivalent. It is believed that level and range of our communication today is far superior than ever before. The commitment to provide a paper-based product continues for those who want it, but it is felt that it must be put on a pay as you go basis. It is time to place the responsibility and authority for our information network in one person's hands. Over the next year the role of the Administrative Vice-Chairman will be transformed into the PVS information czar. In addition to the web page, the other areas of responsibility that will also become the responsibility of the Administrative Division are Public Relations and Outreach. The Board will be reviewing Article 7 of the Bylaws and re-aligning the PVS committee structure. For example, the Safety Committee is presently under Administrative, and its function is more Operational in nature. The Administrative Vice-Chairman will be responsible for this action, and a revised Article 7 will be brought to the 1999 meeting of the House for approval.

Concern was expressed regarding the offering of half price programs for meets other than PVS meets. Following discussion, it was decided that the Board would take a look at this issue.


Amanda Sovik reported that she and Greg Long have started working on forming an Athletes Committee. A letter was sent to all clubs and an initial meeting was held at Senior Champs. They plan to arrange another meeting with hopes that support will grow.


Ron Taylor reported on the actions of the Board of Review (ATTACHED). This new format provides for the fair and unbiased review of any issues of dispute among the members of PVS. One of the requirements was to establish procedures for the review of any matter brought to this Board, and to report this action to the House. These procedures are detailed under Article 10 of the Bylaws. Ron also introduced Carol Nickel, who is a member if the Board of Review.


Bob Fout presented financial proposals for approval by the House.


It is recommended that PVS redeem a CD and invest $50,000 with the financial investment manager used by USA Swimming. It is also recommended that the PVS Board of Directors be given the authority to invest an additional $50,000, if the financial situation allows. The proposal recommends that $5,000 per month be invested over the next ten months. A discussion period followed concerning liquidity, and history and record of the investment manager.



The proposed budget was distributed. Bob reviewed the proposal. He noted the increase in registration fees, the affects of the new meet fees proposal, and the restructuring of travel assistance.



Dick Rankin chairs the Nominating Committee. Members of the Committee are: Kit Mathews and Becca Peck. The Committee submits the following slate for the 1998-2000 term of office on the Board of Directors:

Age Group Division Chairman Ward Foley
Operations Division Chairman Thirl Crudup
Strategic Planning Chairman Dave Scibetta
Administrative Division Chairman Kit Mathews

Nominations were closed. MOTION PASSED to cast a unanimous ballot.

The Committee submits the following slate for the 1998-2000 term of office on the Board of Review:

Mark Eldridge and Becca Peck

Nominations were closed. MOTION PASSED to cast a unanimous ballot.

Nominations were opened for Coach Representative. There are two positions to be filled - a two year term for 1998-2000, and a one year term for 1998-99. Nominated are:

Manga Dalizu and Michael Johnson

Dick thanked Amanda for her service on the Board, and wished her well at UVA in the fall. Nominations were opened for Athlete Representative. Nominated are:

Amanda Van Horn and Amanda Sovik

Elections for Coach and Athlete Representatives will be held at Junior Champs on Sunday, July 12, and at Senior Champs on Sunday, July 19, 1998. Coaches Rep balloting will also be conducted on Sunday at Age Group Champs. It was noted that write-in votes are allowed.

MOTION PASSED to adjourn. Meeting adjourned 4:10 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,


Evelyn Taylor

Administrative Assistant