Members present: Boots Hall Chairman, Jim Carey, Jim Garner, Ron Whalen, Sue Schwartz, Art Davis, Jack Schaeffer, Bob Brofft, Jerry Wisor, Bob Richardson, and Pamela Starke-Reid. Jim VanErden will be joining the committee but was unable to attend.

The meeting convened at 5:36 PM at Jim Garner's House.

Recognition of Officials: The shirts, name tags and bells that are items in the "officials recognition program" have begun to be distributed to officials. Shirts will be given to officials who have completed two years of officiating and attend a clinic and recertify. Name tags will go to all PVS officials. Bells will be given to new starters. Jerry Wisor will be responsible for the bells for Maryland. He will also arrange for the shirts to get to the MD clinics. Boots Hall will be responsible for the bells for the new starters from Virginia. Bob Brofft will have the shirts for the Virginia clinics.

Clinics: Ron Whalen scheduled clinics for Maryland. Boots Hall scheduled the Virginia clinics. Bob Richardson will schedule a MD clinic in November. The clinic dates were given to Jim Garner to post on the web site.

New Referees: A list of qualified officials was distributed and nominations were accepted for the following starters to be invited to the officials clinic for the 2003-2004 year. David Diehl, David Dinardo, Denise Wepasnick, Lawrence Kromer, and Sue Schwartz have already accepted an invitation to the new referee clinic. Other eligible starters will be extended invitations to attend the referee clinic.

December Meets: The officials committee will not be staffing the Tom Dolan meet since it will not be a national certification meet. Art Davis will advise Kit Mathews the meet manager. There will, however be three national certification meets during the 2003-04 season (two in the spring and one in the summer).

November Open: There is no club sponsoring the second course at the Prince George's Sports & Learning Complex. MSSC has offered to run one of the courses but not both. It was decided that individuals on the officials committee would help staff the November Open at PGS&LC if MSSC would sponsor both courses; however, it would be done strictly as a volunteer effort so that no precedent would be set. Sue Schwartz will talk with Chris Huott. Update 9/8: Sue spoke with Chris. He will make a decision within the week.

Future committee meeting location: Boots asked if anyone was willing to host future meetings. Jim Carey will look into conducting the meetings at his office in DC. The office is on North Capitol Street near the Union Station metro stop.

Meeting adjourned at 7:20 pm.

Next Meeting: To be determined

Respectfully submitted,

Sue Schwartz
Committee Member