As approved at August 1999 BofD Meeting


APRIL 20, 1999

The April PVS Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Dick Rankin, General Chairman. In attendance were Linda Crudup, Thirl Crudup, Manga Dalizu, Ward Foley, Mary Ann Henderson, John Hirschmann, Linda Klopfenstein, Kit Mathews, Dave Scibetta. Irene Millman, and Linda Edmunds

The February 16, 1999 minutes were approved.

Treasurer's Report: Dick presented the financial report, which showed a balance of $261,513.37.

Registration Report: Mary Ann reported as of 3/31/99 there are 5,842 registered athletes. There are 37 registered clubs, and 537 registered non-athletes.

Mary Ann reported that USA will require athletes to register again, while it could be done by the clubs, this generally leads to problems. The new form is expected mid-July and will be a full page form. Ward commented that the forms should come sooner. Mary Ann said this is a recurring problem. Kit asked where the forms go; the forms are retained by Mary Ann.

Mary Ann reported that 1/3 of LSCs are requiring the clubs to examine birth certificates and 1/3 of the LSCs are questioning coaches about the certification forms.

Mary Ann's proposal that every coach's application must be accompanied by proof of all 3 required certifications was approved. This will be implemented September 1st. Mary Ann will draft a letter for Dick's signature which will be included in the June Flash Mail to notify the coaches and this will be addressed at the House of Delegates. Only new coaches this year will be required to have the additional certification (education).

Mary Ann reported that AU has not registered and that all swimmers must swim as unattached until the team is registered. They represented themselves as registered at Nationals, USA was informed of this but took no action. USA is generally unsupportive in this and leaves it to the LSC. Mary Ann will draft a letter to the coach for Dick's signature with a copy sent to the University.


Introduction of Administrative Assistants: Linda Edmunds and Irene Millman had been introduced as the members of the Board arrived. Dick reported that there had been 11 respondents to the request for proposal. The Source Selection committee chose this team. All proposals will be sealed and retained by the Chairman of that committee.

Phillips Outstanding Service Award: Dick reported that Steve had looked at several possibilities and a selection had been made.

Zone Meeting: Seven Board members will attend. Our major presentation at the meeting will be the proposal for the 2000 SC Zone Championship Meet to be held at Prince George's Sports and Learning Center hosted by CUBU. Thirl and Dick will prepare the proposal. Thirl has brochures about the facility and will have hotel and restaurant information. Dick asked Ward to outline from the coach's perspective what the LSCs would want. Ward felt that Linda C. would have the best perspective on this. Thirl will arrange for Dick to visit the facility. Ward reported that 7 LSCs will back the bid. There was brief discussion on other potential bidders.

House of Delegates Agenda: All members of the Board received the House of Delegates agenda. There was brief discussion of what Dick would like presented in various areas.

The following were selected to receive at large appointments to the PVS House of Delegates: Kerry Ellett, Linda Klopfenstein, Linda Crudup, Jack Mechler, Mary Ann Henderson, Jack Schaeffer, Jim Garner, Don Smith and John McDonald. The Administrative Assistants will send a letter to each informing them.

USAS Convention: Dick confirmed that no rule changes will be put forth in the name of PVS, however, John Hirschmann has some housekeeping items for the USA Swimming rulebook. Dick will entertain suggestions for USA life members (cost of $750 ea.).


Policy & Procedures Manual: Kit distributed the revised Policy & Procedures Manual. A discussion followed regarding housekeeping issues. Any further recommendations for change should be submitted to Kit within one week. Kit will then forward to the Administrative Assistants for publication and John for posting on the web.

Dick commented that the organizational changes to be presented to the House of Delegates will affect the by-laws. If the organizational changes are adopted by the House of Delegates, the by-laws will be reviewed this summer, corrected, and distributed to member clubs by September.

Communications: Dave reported that Kit, Ward, Arvydas, and Jack Schaeffer were on the nominating committee. Thirl has been nominated for the position of General Chairman, Jim Garner for Senior Chair and John Ertter for Treasurer. For the Board of Review, Carol Nickel will accept the nomination, Ron Taylor will not, Elizabeth Burton has not yet finalized. Dave will notify the Board electronically of updates.

Website: Activity continues to increase. As of today, the hits for this year are at ~1.5 million, this is 80% of last year's total and 11% of the hits to the USA site. Swimmer's World has publicly acknowledged the PVS site as outstanding and we will recognize the award on our page. Dick asked Dave to report this at the House of Delegates. Discussion of the use of PVS e-mail addresses, changes and links on the web page followed. Ward commented that the website is not covered in the Policy and Procedures manual. Dave said he would work on this. Ward has volunteered to be on a sub-committee for the development of a website mission statement.


Thirl reported that PVS champs went well. Equipment and officiating were fine. A request has been made to store some of the equipment at RMSC for the summer to eliminate transport of equipment from Virginia. Thirl feels this is agreeable.

Officials: John reported nothing new. A discussion of the Dave Davis fund followed. Dick will call Arvydas and also ask Jay Copan, President of NVSL to call him.

Competition: Linda Crudup reported that PVS finished 4th with 602 points at the Zone meet. Two athletes made Junior times, athletes did a great job, the March Camp helped the team to unify. Our team was the best behaved overall. There were some problems with other teams, these will be addressed at the Zone meeting. Ward Foley reported that Long course schedule is well, the 14 and under meet cannot happen. Jr. Champs cannot be held at Fairfax, Steve Ercalono is talking to George Mason about holding it there. Kit reported that Steve had worked out a good deal for Sr. Champs/Age Group at Fairlands. The next competition committee meeting will be held May 22, 1999.

Short course 99-00 is shaping up in terms of facilities, should be finalized by the end of May. 14 & under short course meet may be at PGSL as a trial meet. Thirl indicated that Brian Hanlon was the PGSL contact. Ward has reserved Fairfax County in case there's a problem. Ward expressed disappointment with the number of short course meets; however, Dick said this was an improvement.

There was a discussion of the potential 2000 SC Zone meet including parking and admission fees. The entry fee will be $450/team as was the case in New Jersey. Thirl reported that there will be no parking fees. The admission fee will be $10 for the meet or $2 per session. There will be no charge for ages 12 and under. The kids were disappointed that no Olympian attended Zones this year. We will try to have one for next year. At the New Jersey Zones, there were two PVS officials who stayed on deck for the entire meet. Linda C. will e-mail letters of appreciation to Dick, he will transfer it to letterhead, sign and send them.

OVCs: Linda Klopfenstein reported that she has done in excess of 450 OVCs since J.O.s, Sr. Champs and High school championships. PVS swimmers were the majority of these.

There was a discussion regarding a team seeking relief of travel money paid for a swimmer who quit their team. Tabled until June meeting.

Linda K. reported on the appeal for the swimmer who couldn't meet summer requirements which was tabled at the February meeting. Tabled until June meeting.

Coach Representative: There was a discussion regarding swimmers who move from a team to another team while owing the first team money. The USA policy will be used in PVS in these cases.


Dick presented the proposed budget on Bob's behalf. Dick proposed the following changes to the budget which were accepted. The Travel Assistance for Olympic Trials will be changed to $500/swimmer. The Travel Assistance for the US Open will be changed to $300 per swimmer.

All entry fees for PVS sponsored meets were raised $0.25. For Club Meets, the club's fee was raised $0.25 per entry as well.

The SC Zone team came in under budget spending less than $11,000. The 2000 SC Zones if held here will cause a slight decrease in the cost.

The Aquatics Guide which had been popular was not published last year. This year's budget reflects money in duplication to publish an abbreviated version of this again.

The term "family membership" will be terminated and replaced with "Subscribers". There will be 3 components of subscribers for FY 2000: 1) The Aquatics Guide for $6, 2) Regular Mailings, same contents as this year for $10 and 3) Mailings including Results for $40. Other changes include a reduction in the number of mailings to 3 per year to coincide with availability of meet announcements for each session. Also, meet program discounts will no longer be available.

The Budget as revised at this meeting was approved by the BOD and will be distributed with the minutes of this meeting.

The Budget with changes was approved.

Presidential Appointments to USAS convention: Dave Scibetta recommended that we choose people with strong probability of approval. Dick Rankin and John Hirschmann were selected.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:35.


Respectfully submitted,


Linda Edmunds/Irene Millman

Administrative Assistants