As approved at October 1998 BofD Meeting


JULY 21, 1998

The July PVS Board of Directors meeting was called to order by Dick Rankin, General Chairman. In attendance were: Thirl Crudup, Steve Ercolano, Ward Foley, Bob Fout, Mary Ann Henderson, John Hirschmann, Linda Klopfenstein, Kit Mathews, Eric Moore, Dave Scibetta, Amanda Sovik, Ron Taylor, and Evelyn Taylor.

Minutes for June 16, 1998 were approved.

Dick extended the Board's welcome to Eric and Amanda as newly elected representatives. He announced that Manga Dalizu will serve the 2-year Coaches Rep term and will be the senior in term, and that Eric will serve the 1-year unexpired term as Coaches Rep.

Treasurer's Report: Bob distributed the financial report for June 1998. Checking account balance is $29,205.66, with Income of $69,988.66 and Expenses of $75,651.18. The CD was closed and funds invested with Dain Rauscher Investment Services.


Mary Ann reported Athlete Registration: 6143, of which 89 are seasonal. There are 619 Non-Athletes and 38 Clubs.

There was discussion of the club status of SOLO, and administrative changes at SNST. The new registration forms for 1999 were discussed regarding new items on the form. The new 14 digit Unique I.D. was reviewed. Numbers will also apply for non-athlete members. USA Swimming is continuing the Outreach Pilot program for another year. Hy-Tek is developing a program to handle both old and new ID Numbers. Mary Ann is planning to mail forms to clubs soon. Mary Ann also noted there are new coach requirements taking affect, and there is a new list from USA for Coaches Training. John will set up a link to this list.


Personnel Committee: Updates to service contracts were reported. MOTION PASSED to approve as proposed by Committee.

LSC Workshop: Dick summarized the report prepared by Wayne White. Report will be on file with the Office and will be mailed to designated Board members.

PV/VA LSC Meeting: Dick received a letter from Walter Smith, GC of VA Swimming, suggesting a meeting date/location change since all VA representatives will not be at Convention. Dick, Steve, and Thirl will coordinate arrangements.

USA At-Large Delegates: Ron Taylor and Mary Ann Henderson have received appointments from Carol Zaleski, President USA Swimming.

Adapted Swimming: Dick will be in touch with Marc Stanley to discuss plans.

Dave Davis Memorial Fund: Arvydas and committee have met to determine use of these funds for PVS and NVSL. A report will be made in September.


Steve distributed the changes to Travel Assistance (ATTACHED). New policy is effective for 1999 Short Course and is retroactive. MOTION TO APPROVE PASSED.

Steve reported on LC Senior Champs and LC Junior Champs, and noted that a European Record was set at Senior Champs. Eliminating Bonus Heat will be a topic for consideration for next year. There has been no recent contact with UM regarding pool use.


Ward reported that LC Age Group Champs was well run by OCCS. The time line was of some concern and will be reviewed. The split sites for the LC meets worked well. There was discussion regarding input on selection of officials from clubs awarded championship level meets.

LC Zone Team: Over 100 applications have been received. There was concern expressed that the $70.00 fee is too high for a single event and for summer zones. It was suggested that Linda Crudup conduct an exit survey to get input.

SC Zone Team Coaching Staff: Elections will be held at the Fall Competition Committee meeting.


Comments on PVS Policy & Procedures Manual should be directed to Kit. PVS Meetings at Convention are planned for finalizing action.

Results of Elections:

  • Athlete Representative for 1998-2000 term:      Amanda Sovik
  • Coaches Representative for 1998-2000 term::      Manga Dalizu
  • Coaches Representative for 1998-1999 term:      Eric Moore

    Thirl reported that the equipment functioned well at LC Junior and Senior Champs. There was difficulty experienced with far end splits. The bubble jet printers do not work well in high humidity.

    John reported that LC Senior Champs is most difficult to staff with officials due to LC Age Group Champs and summer league meets.

    Dick requested the names of all PVS Referees who were originally "grandfathered."

    Equipment Contract: bid was received from Don Smith. He proposes to continue the current arrangements for maintenance and distribution, and to add a component for extra services. The equipment would be housed in the Alexandria, VA area. He did express concern regarding conflict of interest in respect to his position as Operations Support Chairman.

    MOTION PASSED to authorize Thirl and his designated committee to act on awarding the contract after checking with other interested parties.


    Dave reported that items for the August mailing are due soon. Dick will need articles for PVS Voices by August 9. The PVS homepage continues to receive a high volume of "hits". Dave is planning a Configuration Committee meeting in August/September.


    Respectfully submitted,


    Evelyn Taylor

    Administrative Assistant