Potomac Valley Swimming

Board of Directors Meeting

Overlee Community Center

March 6, 2017


·         Attendance –

·         Call to Order – The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm by General Chair, Bill Marlin

·         Proof of Quorum – There are a sufficient number of voting members in attendance to conduct business.

·         Approval of agenda – Motion to approve the agendas as presented, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of the February Board Minutes – Motion to approve the minutes from the February Board Meeting, seconded and approved.

·         Approval of Board Reports & February Financials

o   No reports were submitted.

·         General Chair comments –

o   HOD Recognition – At this year’s HOD meeting we will recognize individuals who have contributed to PVS over the years. If you have someone you want to recognize, please give their name to Bill Marlin.

o   March 10 is the deadline to add any new budget/financial items to Finance Chair, Ellen Colket

o   Timers at Jr/Sr Champs – there were some issues with getting timers at the meet. Bill would like to write a letter to the LSC, as a whole, about the apathy of volunteers. Not to browbeat anyone, but just remind families that we are a 100% volunteer organization, he is also thinking about putting out a survey to ask why parents do not volunteer. It was suggested he also ask, what would encourage them to volunteer.  

§  It was noted that in Maryland Swimming – each team was assigned a specific number of timers per session. Prior to the meet the Meet Director had all positions filled, including finals. This also includes the meet marshals, runners, etc.

§  It was also noted that PVS is in need of a culture change in how we ask for timers at our meets and our expectations as a whole.

§  A letter will be sent out from the General Chair sometime after 14 & U JO’s has concluded.

o   Neither Athlete nor Coaches ran elections during the Jr/Sr Champ meet. Since it was not done, it can still be done during the summer meets and be in compliance with P&P. 

o   PVS meets needs to be awarded for the LC meets.

§   Tom will work with Mark and Blair on getting this done and setting up a process as we move forward.

·         New Business –

o   Update on Board Elections – Greg York has been named the Nomination Chair. All the positions have been advertised and multiple responses have been received. Below are nominations thus far.

§  General Chair – Tom Ugast

§  Senior Chair – Mark Faherty (incumbent)

§  Finance Chair – Ellen Colket (incumbent)

§  Diversity Chair – Rob Green (incumbent), Russel Klosk, Yvonne Taylor

o   Budget – any new items (due March 10)

§  Ellen has reviewed preliminary data projected through August of this year. Without having recent year to-date actuals, it appears that we may have a negative cash flow at year-end.  

§  If there is anything new to add, please send to Ellen by March 10. The Controller will prepare a preliminary budget to be sent out by the end of March for review, then we will meet on April 3 to discuss.

§  Ellen has some ideas on increases for fees etc. Similar ideas to some proposed last year and were defeated. 

·         Last year the HOD approved all new programs and expense increases, but declined all proposed income increases.

·         There are individuals in the association that we have the money in the bank and do not understand why we want to raise fees (registration or meet entry) if we have money in the bank.

o   Officials Meet Referee – The Officials Committee has noticed an issue with meet referees at club and PVS meets. There are new referees being given the responsibility as a meet referee as soon as they are certified as a referee. The concern is these new referees do not have all the training to be fully responsible for an entire meet on their own. The Officials committee feels there needs to be a training period put in place to ensure all meet referees are ready.  

§  Motion to add the statement “This referee must be a PVS-certified Meet Referee” to the meet announcement, where the meet referee is announced, seconded and approved.

·         This would mean that once an Official becomes a referee they then must become certified in PVS by working “X” number of sessions as a deck referees and then shadow a set number of sessions as a meet referee.

·         This would be sort of like a mentoring program for meet referees. It will become effective September 1, 2017.

o   Official’s Party – The Officials are planning an end of year party to thank all the officials for their hard work all season. The date is: Saturday, April 22 at Overlee.

§  Dave Merkin and Dave DiNardo are the committee chairs.

§  It is in the budget

·         Old Business –

o   HOD Planning – all end of the year reports will be due on April 30 to Terri. All HOD information must be posted on the website at least 20 days prior to the meeting.  

o   CSC – Diversity Grant – Rob spoke with Mike Clark regarding his Grant request. Mike commented that he already has his program up and going, so no longer needs the money at this time. Rob suggested that he track his finances and then he can resubmit a proposal in the future.

o   Motion to award $500 to DCPR for the Diversity Grant as previously discussed, seconded and approved.

o   The next application due date will be in the fall. There is another club who is also looking to apply for the Grant.

·         Round Table Discussion –

o   Jr/Sr Champs –

§  Dave DiNardo, the Meet Referee for Senior Champs, commented that he had a conversation with a senior official who had not been at the meet in several years. This official commented “that this meet (Senior Champs) seems much less important to the athletes, than it did in the past”. DiNardo feels that the only thing about this meet that is truly Championship style is the officiating. He thinks we need to take a serious look at how this meet is run, when it falls on the calendar.

·         Scratch rate is at roughly 30%, which some coaches feel is ok, as it allows some swimmers to get into finals that do not usually make finals.

·         There was a lot of discussion on options. However, this is a discussion that we will need to have during the Competition Committee Meeting in May.

·         Overall the meet ran very well, meet management and hospitality went well and the parking issues were more minimal than expected.

o   Possible new facility to use – Tim received an email from an aquatics director from Prince William county facility, Colgen High School. They have a new pool and are very interested in renting it out for meets. The spectator capacity is 475, deck capacity is about 475, and there is a gym for overflow. The pool has 8 lanes for competition, with an additional 8 or so lanes for warm up/cool down. It is in Virginia Swimming territory. They are ready to start renting. (as a side note; Dulles South is close to opening up in 2018).

§  There is also the Jeff Rouse pool that is a possibility.

§  Tim will follow up with the pool and get more details, including fees

o   Arlington Pool update

§  Arlington County has hired a firm to design and build the pool to the budget numbers. Construction is to begin in 2018 with completion in 2020

§  They are still looking for some corporate money.

·         Adjourn: April 3 is the board meeting to primarily discuss the budget.