PVS 14&U LC Championships

Hosted by Fort Belvoir Swim Team
University of Maryland
July 11-14, 2013

Sanction # PVS-13-78

                             Combined Team Scores                              
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Nation's Capital Swim Club         NCAP-PV        5682.5
                2 Rockville-Montgomery S.C.          RMSC-PV        5298  
                3 The Fish                           FISH-PV        2007.5
                4 Machine Aquatics                   MACH-PV        1228  
                5 Snow Swimming                      SNOW-PV         979  
                6 All Star Aquatics                  ASA-PV          467  
                7 Blue Wave Swim Team PV             BWST-PV         380  
                8 Potomac Marlins                    PM-PV           373  
                9 York Swim Club of Northern Vir     YORK-PV         305  
               10 Arlington Aquatic Club             AAC-PV          220  
               11 Shark Tank Racing Squad            TANK-PV         184  
               12 Herndon Aquatic Club Commander     HACC-PV         172  
               13 Fairland Aquatics S.T.             FAST-PV         157  
               14 Sea Devil Swimming                 SDS-PV          151  
               15 Hydro-Sonic Tiburones              TIBU-PV         149  
               16 Mason Makos Swim Team              MAKO-PV         145.5
               17 Occoquan Swimming                  OCCS-PV          92  
               18 Tollefson Swimming                 TOLL-PV          56  
               19 Fort Belvoir Swim Team             FBST-PV          27  
               20 Maryland Suburban Swim Club        MSSC-PV          21  
               21 Central Chesapeake Swimming        PEAK-PV           5  
               21 Flying Gull Aquatic Club           FGAC-PV           5  
               23 Clark Swim Club                    CSC-PV            4  
               24 Joe Flaherty's Dolphins            JFD-PV            3  
               25 Patuxent Aquatics Club             PAC-PV            1.5
               26 Elite Rays Swim Club               ERSC-PV           1  
                              Girls - Team Scores                              
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Nation's Capital Swim Club         NCAP-PV        2928.5
                2 Rockville-Montgomery S.C.          RMSC-PV        2444  
                3 The Fish                           FISH-PV        1291  
                4 Snow Swimming                      SNOW-PV         557  
                5 Machine Aquatics                   MACH-PV         381.5
                6 Blue Wave Swim Team PV             BWST-PV         298  
                7 Hydro-Sonic Tiburones              TIBU-PV         143  
                8 Herndon Aquatic Club Commander     HACC-PV         136  
                9 Potomac Marlins                    PM-PV           129  
               10 All Star Aquatics                  ASA-PV          128  
               11 Mason Makos Swim Team              MAKO-PV         127  
               12 Shark Tank Racing Squad            TANK-PV         110  
               13 York Swim Club of Northern Vir     YORK-PV          97  
               14 Sea Devil Swimming                 SDS-PV           68  
               15 Fairland Aquatics S.T.             FAST-PV          60  
               16 Occoquan Swimming                  OCCS-PV          31  
               17 Tollefson Swimming                 TOLL-PV          30  
               18 Fort Belvoir Swim Team             FBST-PV          27  
               19 Arlington Aquatic Club             AAC-PV           20  
               20 Central Chesapeake Swimming        PEAK-PV           5  
               21 Maryland Suburban Swim Club        MSSC-PV           3  
               22 Elite Rays Swim Club               ERSC-PV           1  
                              Boys - Team Scores                               
            Place Team                                            Points
                1 Rockville-Montgomery S.C.          RMSC-PV        2854  
                2 Nation's Capital Swim Club         NCAP-PV        2754  
                3 Machine Aquatics                   MACH-PV         846.5
                4 The Fish                           FISH-PV         716.5
                5 Snow Swimming                      SNOW-PV         422  
                6 All Star Aquatics                  ASA-PV          339  
                7 Potomac Marlins                    PM-PV           244  
                8 York Swim Club of Northern Vir     YORK-PV         208  
                9 Arlington Aquatic Club             AAC-PV          200  
               10 Fairland Aquatics S.T.             FAST-PV          97  
               11 Sea Devil Swimming                 SDS-PV           83  
               12 Blue Wave Swim Team PV             BWST-PV          82  
               13 Shark Tank Racing Squad            TANK-PV          74  
               14 Occoquan Swimming                  OCCS-PV          61  
               15 Herndon Aquatic Club Commander     HACC-PV          36  
               16 Tollefson Swimming                 TOLL-PV          26  
               17 Mason Makos Swim Team              MAKO-PV          18.5
               18 Maryland Suburban Swim Club        MSSC-PV          18  
               19 Hydro-Sonic Tiburones              TIBU-PV           6  
               20 Flying Gull Aquatic Club           FGAC-PV           5  
               21 Clark Swim Club                    CSC-PV            4  
               22 Joe Flaherty's Dolphins            JFD-PV            3  
               23 Patuxent Aquatics Club             PAC-PV            1.5